How to Create Multiple Characters for Extra Storage in Fallout 76

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This article provides helpful advice for players looking to create additional characters in Fallout 76 to improve their storage and inventory management. Make sure to use multiple characters to expand your storage capacity and keep your main character’s stash box organized.

In Fallout 76, players are allowed to create up to five different characters on their account. While it may not be necessary to have multiple characters, it can be very beneficial for various gameplay purposes. Creating an additional character, especially for storage, can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. U4gm has fo76 items for sale that are both affordable and high-quality, perfect for any player. Use coupon code "allen" to get 5% off at U4gm. This guide explains how to create extra characters and why it’s a good idea.

How to Create a New Character

Creating a new character in Fallout 76 is simple. First, open the game and select “Character,” which will display all the characters you’ve made. From there, you can select "New" to create a new character. After following the instructions and leaving Vault 76, you will be presented with two options:

  1. Battle Ready Dweller: This is the best option for most players. It starts your character at level 20, providing you with pre-made loadouts. This is especially useful if you want to use the character as a “mule” (a character used for extra storage). You can change your SPECIAL points at a Punch Card Machine later, and for a mule character, investing heavily in Strength and weight-reduction perks will help maximize your carrying capacity.

  2. Fresh Dweller: If you want to grind levels yourself, you can opt for this option, which starts you at level 2. While this is fine for players who want to build up their character from scratch, it’s not as ideal for storage use as the Battle Ready Dweller option.

Why Creating a New Character is a Good Idea

Weight management in Fallout 76 can be tricky, especially when your stash box fills up quickly. You are limited to 1200 lbs of storage space in your stash, and purchasing a Fallout 1st subscription to get additional storage can be expensive. A more cost-effective solution is to create new characters to act as mules.

By creating mule characters, you can store unwanted or excess items in their inventory, freeing up space in your main character's stash box. Although there is no official way to directly transfer items between characters, there are a few methods to move items from one character to another:

  1. Use a friend: Give your unwanted items to a friend, switch to your mule account, and have your friend pass the items to the new character.
  2. Hide items in containers: You can hide items in an empty container on the map, switch to your mule character, and retrieve them. Make sure to be on a team to do this, and be aware that it’s a risky method.
  3. Online help: Some online forums offer courier services to help transfer items between characters.

Using mule characters allows you to store extra items for future use, trading, or simply to make space. Although there have been rumors of Bethesda increasing stash storage capacity, no official word has been released. However, with up to five characters, you can have a total of 6000 lbs of storage space, which should be sufficient for most players.

Naming Your Mule Characters

If you plan to use multiple mule characters, it’s helpful to give each one a name that represents the type of items they hold. For example, if you have a character dedicated to holding legendary items, you could name that character “Legendary.” This will help you easily identify which character holds which items and avoid confusion.

By following these tips, you can maximize your storage options in Fallout 76, making it easier to manage your inventory and enjoy the game without worrying about running out of space.
